Capital Sports Blog terps Results from Yesterday’s “Where Should the U of M Be”?

Results from Yesterday’s “Where Should the U of M Be”?

OK, this is not scientific (or probably correct) evidence. The question was, where would the optimal (in state for those that wanted to go to the Virgin Islands) place for Maryland sports to be the headliner in town. 

These posts also appear on the Terrapin Times board as well as my Facebook page.  On the Terrapin site there were over 1,000 readers and many folks responded.  I am not sure how many other readers there were from yesterday, but it was a popular post.

I really like the OC answer. It would make a great visual to have the stadium near the ocean. Plus, there are very few people there during the winter. That would certainly make OC a college town. And who would not want to stay for summer school?

I think an equally good answer is Funkstown. Just to the side of Hagerstown, hard up against I 70. You would have a built-in draw from Hagerstown, Frederick and maybe some from Chambersburg, PA. One negative is that it is a very heavy commute to leave DC or Balt and drive west during the week.

The Hagerstown area seems to be part WVU fans, part UPS and partially a Terps area. Having the Terps there would probably make it a red, white, black and gold paradise.

That was a great fantasy question, now for the hard part of actually filling up Byrd for the 2010 football season.

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