
Can you really be half-frozen? Could you be half-pregnant? Maybe the check is in the mail. I view the forgoing as certainties. Either you are or you are not.

In light of the financial crisis, no increased amount of government spending is going to fix this mess. This is a bi-partisan “is not”. With certainty. More Dems voted against this measure than Republicans voted for it.

President Obama can, at once, say that the problem is the Bush administration spent too much. For too long. So, um, uh, uh, um, the answer must be that, ah, uh, (I’m sorry, I was trying to quote the President verbatim and got lost in the vowels) so the answer must be to SPEND MORE. If was not terrifying, it would be funny that Obama said, to paraphrase, ‘the government is the only entity that can help’.

And further, to add irony to the ridiculous, if spending fixed everything then we would have no problems. The American people spent so much for so long, even with money we did not have, that there is no spending left. We are, to use a common phrase, “spent”.

So once again, with all the hope and bi-partisan goodwill we have, we ignore that the only thing that will work is putting Americans to work. Cut the taxes, make loans available to start a business and get out of the way.

As Ronald Reagan once said, the scariest words he knew were, “I am from the government and I am here to help”.


1 thought on “Half-Frozen”

  1. OK. I’ve been a little late reading this one. I wanted to give it my full attention, and always got distracted. Highly accurate observation, is;

    And further, to add irony to the ridiculous, if spending fixed everything then we would have no problems. The American people spent so much for so long, even with money we did not have, that there is no spending left. We are, to use a common phrase, “spent”.

    Our current economic woes are easily traced back to the mortagage forclosure “crisis” An estimated 10 trillion dollars of bad loans. That is SPENDING money that peopled DID NOT HAVE. So, now the feds are going to SPEND MONEY WE DON’T HAVE. Is this getting through to anyone? Hello, anybody out there? Anyone who can actually think?


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