Too Big to Fail

There has been much talk of institutions, like banks or GM that are too big to fail. My take on Barrack Obama’s time as president-elect is that he is the real ‘too big to fail’ for American liberals.

All of the questionable nominees and scandals * that have already befallen the fledgling presidency are scary. Yet there is no mention of the mis-management and poor choices in the mainstream press.

The Obama nation can not bring up for frank discussion the troubling start. They have too much at stake. The lack of balance is chilling.

Some have even become so cocky to admit that paragons of the press are ‘in the tank’ for Obama. Just a few moments ago I heard it myself from Mike Wise of the Washington Post.

My take from reading the papers and listening to the mini-sermons on CNN is that all of the screw-ups are either ‘sloppy’ or ‘innocent mistakes’. It almost seems like they want to say, ‘what do you expect from someone who has no experience and has never had a job even close to this size and scope’.

When the tide turns from the press, it will be shocking and tragi-comic.

I think that it is fantastic that we have someone different (in so many) ways to be the leader of the country. It proves, once again, what a great nation this truly is.
Just because Mr. Obama is different does not excuse the press or liberal nation for turning a blind eye toward the rocky start of his term in office. He is not too big to fail.

* Rham Emanuel and Blogo the governor (Milorad “Rod” R. Blagojevich); Hilary Clinton who is a human scandal machine; Bill Clinton the dis-bared attorney from Arkansas; Geithner, the tax cheat former head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank; Eric Holder the attorney general nominee whose conduct in the Clinton White House is brining up too many questions to answer

Unanswered campaign questions – I will just stick to two issues – too much untraced foreign campaign contributions; and where and when was Barack really born; what was he doing in with an Indonesian passport in Pakistan as a teenager.

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