Capital Sports Blog gop,obama,republican Better Red Than… and Top 10 List

Better Red Than… and Top 10 List

2-10-2009 The United States financial markets greeted the socialist message of Barack Obama with a resounding ‘No’. Markets fell almost 400 points after the doom and gloom speech given Monday night.

Quoting a local business woman, ‘anyone who owns a business or makes a decent living should be terrified by what was said’ the other night. Others who commented ranged from, ‘I turned it off’ to an friend who is runs an engineering firm who said, ‘I could not believe what I was hearing’.

I have not run into a single person who liked what they heard or thought BO did well. What a change a month makes. 4 weeks ago he could do no wrong, now almost all think they have a bad case of BO.

02-11-2009 Rockville, MD – Top 10

My survey of informed opinion now centers on the classic Montgomery County Maryland soccer mom. What better place to search this prey than a Starbucks on Rockville Pike.

Squinty-eyed against the morning sun, they parked their Priuses and Acura MDX’s. Into ‘bucks they came. Still ordering $4 beverages (hence the nickname for the coffee chain of 4bucks). Economy be dammed.

Here is a top 10 sample of what I overheard and was told:

1. We have to give Obama some time, after all, he has never had a real job

2. He didn’t really put this bill together, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did. So you can’t blame Barack.

3. Did he (Obama) get that puppy for his kids yet?

4. He did not know about the defecit. He said that on tv last night.

5. If this (bill) does not pass, no one knows what will happen.

6. Monday night looked like a Saturday Night Live skit.

7. Don’t tell anyone I told you, but I didn’t understand what he (Obama) was talking about. But he is really smart.

8. Why aren’t things any better yet.

9. I am more concerned with keeping God out of schools than the economy.

10. When are we going to get our troops out of Iran?


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