Chump Change

Is this the change that 52% of Americans voted for? Where is the transparency on this bill? Why are there no provisions to help the housing market?

Change – after running on a platform of change, no change is apparent. Instead of coming in with fresh ideas and a plan, the President abdicates all planning to the entrenched Congress.

The same Congress that has been controlled by Democrats for over two years. The same Congress that oversaw the Fannie and Freddie collapse. That is who put this plan together. Oh, one more thing, the same group that Obama was part of for the past few years.

Maybe one day soon we will get an adult in the office. But for now, “Hi, I am not a real president. I do play one on a campaign trail.” will have to do.

Change? Sure, we will change the name of the country to Amerika. That has a better socialist ring to it.

Transparency – we were promised, on the campaign trail, that new legislation would be transparent to the public. The disaster they just passed is not even transparent to those who passed it, let alone the US people. How in the world is electronic health care records part of a “save the country” stimulus package? It isn’t in my book. Just another attempt at government trying to take over health care.

Another Obama lie. There is no transparency. There is no change. Another step to government taking over the private sector.

Housing Market – after two marketing campaigns, the first that it was greed’s fault and the second that it is a three letter word JOBS, there is no help for the real start of this mess, a homeowner-based mortgage crisis.

After repeated attacks that claim the government is the only entity that can help, where is the help? If we cut out all the b.s. in this bill and give every mortgage payer an additional tax credit or rebate check, we can get America buying and spending again. We can make sure that the mortgages get paid, that banks have money and the economy will be fixed.

Then the properties can be sold and bought. The relative real estate values will go up. Property taxes will be paid. Schools, funded by those taxes will have money. Construction will resume and jobs will be re-created. Banks will have money as mortgages get paid and they will make new loans.

The truth is that most folks that own a home, whether outright or with a mortgage, make too much money for the Dems to want to help. Homeowners are generally established folks. In large measure, probably more right of center politically. Not the constituency that wants Obama or his socialist policies.

Maybe as Chuck Schummer (Dem, NY) said the other day, “we just don’t care”. I know that my friends who voted for Obama did not want this “Chump Change”.


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